I just wanted to take a moment to personally thank you for showing interest in my eBook. Seriously, it means the world to me!
The fact that you’re interested in my hiking guide seriously makes my day. When I first started piecing together this guide, I wanted it to be more than just another manual—my goal was to create something that feels like a friend sharing their best advice before you hit the trails. So, knowing that you’re ready to start your hiking journey with this book in hand is incredibly exciting for me.
I’ve been through the muddy boots, the blistered feet, and the “where on earth is this trail going?” moments, and I’ve packed all that experience (and a few laughs) into these pages. I hope this guide gives you everything you need to take those first steps with confidence.
If you ever want to share your own hiking stories, ask questions, or just swap trail tips, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to help you every step of the way.
Thanks again for your interest. Here's to making your journey From Zero To Mountain Hero an unforgettable adventure!
Happy hiking,
Alex Cornici