Dec 28, 2024 5 min read

How I Mastered Minimalist Packing with a Zero-Waste Travel Toiletry Kit (And You Can Too!)

When I first joined the Zero-Waste travel movement, I had no clue where to start. My toiletries used to consist of items filled with single-use plastics and some others that I wasn’t even using during my trips.

How I Mastered Minimalist Packing with a Zero-Waste Travel Toiletry Kit (And You Can Too!)
Photo by Bambi Corro / Unsplash

When I first joined the Zero-Waste travel movement, I had no clue where to start. My toiletries used to consist of items filled with single-use plastics and others that I wasn’t even using during my trips.

I first realized this when I saw a bottle washed up on the beach during one of my vacations. As a guy who loves nature, it was really painful to see the level of litter.

But since then, I have learned how to pack more cleverly and sustainably—allow me to take you through the journey.

Understanding the Environmental Impact of Traditional Travel Toiletries

The carbon footprint caused due to the use of travel-sized toiletries is jaw-dropping. I remember going up to the United States’ most renowned state park that had mini bottles of shampoo and other such containers scattered everywhere.

These eye-opening experiences made me self-establish that waste is created even by the smallest of objects. These plastics do not get disposed of as responsibly and pose threats to not only wildlife but the planet as well.

In my case, moving to zero waste options was not an option. Apart from being a matter of pride for the environmentalist in me, it was more of a vow to make every place I visited to be in better condition.

Reasons to Switch to Zero-Waste Alternatives

I know, for some people, this switch can be challenging; but trust me, it is worth the effort. In my case, I can say that the benefits are there:

  • Less Waste: I no longer need to ask for a sizeable trash bag for week-long holidays. It seems the trash bag I used for a week-long trip is almost untouched.
  • Better for Health: With my skincare and hair care routines, I do not have to deal with lots of harsh chemicals.
  • Lower Costs: I used to have a plastic toothbrush holder, but now I own a bamboo one, I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve had to buy a toothbrush holder.
  • Joyful: It is a great feeling to support good brands that are working towards a better planet.

Overview of Minimalist Packing Principles

The first time I tried packing minimally, I remember carrying three jars of moisturizer and forgetting to pack a toothbrush. It’s safe to say it was a disaster, but along the way, I have come to refine it with the following tips:

  • Make the important things the priority: I always try to get my head around the idea if I use this every day. If the answer is yes, then I pack it.
  • Things that can serve multiple purposes: The shampoo and body wash bar that I carry around is life-saving, if not anything.
  • Lightweight and easy to carry: A bag without carry-ons is more organized.
  • One-time Investment: Getting leak-proof silicone bottles was a worthy investment.

Essential Zero-Waste Toiletry Containers

Choosing Reliable, Sealable Reusable Containers

I've understood the dangers of leaky containers too well; nothing spoils an adventure like a shampoo bottle leaking over your clothes. For this reason, I prefer to use stainless steel tins and silicone bottles with a tight seal. They are trustworthy and durable.

Best Materials for Sustainable Toiletry Containers

  • Glass: Ideal for holding creams, though it is heavier; I prefer using it for shorter vacations.
  • Stainless Steel: Great for solid-state like shampoo bars.
  • Bamboo: Best for dry stuff such as toothpaste tablets.

Compact and Versatile Designs

I remember a recent flight in which I spread my snacks into a leaning silicone holder, and later on my flight, I stuffed my soap bar in it as well. These come in handy and assist in conserving space.

How To Make DIY Travel Products If Time Permits It

Simple Recipe for Natural Deodorant

Making my deodorant was surprisingly easy:

  • ¼ cup coconut oil
  • ¼ cup baking soda
  • ¼ cup arrowroot powder
  • Essential oils (lavender works best for me)

Melt the ingredients, mix well, and store in a reusable jar. It’s chemical-free and works like a charm.

Soothing Face Mist Ingredients- A Recipe That Works

My skin tends to dry up quite a bit after long-distance traveling, hence I prepare my essence as follows:

  • A quarter cup of witch hazel
  • A quarter cup of distilled water
  • Several drops of rose essential oil

When put inside a small spray bottle, I use it regularly to calm my skin.

Multi-Purpose Balm

This balm is my savior when it comes to dry elbows and chapped lips, it is composed of:

  • Two tbsp of coconut oil
  • One tbsp of beeswax
  • One tbsp of shea butter
  • A few drops of peppermint oil

After cooling it down, I pour it into a tin and put it in my bag.

Smart Packing Strategies

Organizing Toiletries by Frequency of Use

For easy access, I have developed a habit of keeping most essential items like face masks and toothbrushes outside of the bag while all the items that are not required frequently are put at the bottom.

Selecting Multi-Purpose Products to Minimize Space

I also suggest carrying coconut oil as it is my MVP. Packed with several benefits, it can be used as a moisturizer or shaving cream and can be an emergency balm as well.

Efficient Arrangement Techniques for Maximum Space Utilization

To have better space incarceration, I make use of large containers for keeping several small-sized containers and also by rolling up reusable wipes.

Sustainable Alternatives to Common Items

Plastic-Free Options

  • Bamboo Toothbrushes: This type of tooth slated to be included is biodegradable and lightweight so would switch easily.
  • Razors: The stainless-steel safety razor is a strong and well-built razor that is eco-sustainable.
  • Cotton Swabs: My new favorite would have to be swabs that are made of bamboo stems.

Solid Toiletry Options

From now on, I will only use solid bars as they are easy to carry, do not create any mess, and are safe for cross-border flights.

Reusable Hygiene Products

The existence of reusable products such as bamboo wipes has made my life easier and waste reduction strikingly more effective.

Maintenance and Care Tips

Cleaning and Sanitizing Containers

There was a time when I completely disregarded cleaning a container and got a weird surprise in the form of a thick mold. Today, I make sure everything is cleaned well with biodegradable soaps and, at times, don vinegar for sanitation.

Extending the Life of Zero-Waste Products

Paying attention to the smallest details makes a world of difference; so, for example, storing solid bars of soap in containers that help them ventilate and dry properly helps extend their life.  

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Sometimes, I find that a skin balm solidifies, and to bring it to a more usable state, I simply warm it a little, while when an ingredient separates, a quick stir is the solution.

The Takeaway

In my opinion, the process of going through a focus shift toward minimalism and environmentally conscious products has been one of the most productive of my life.

Not only do I have peace of mind knowing I am contributing less harm, but my travel experience is less of a hassle as well.

It is said that every small step contributes, and I want to be the one to help motivate you to become more involved and give your next journey a better environmental protection aspect. Safe travels!

Saket Kumar, Travel Writer at Canada Hustle

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