May 19, 2024 3 min read

Why People Choose Tours Over Independent Travel

We've gathered insights from travel industry leaders on why many prefer tours over solo journeys.

Tours Over Independent Travel

From maximizing sightseeing with a guide to the expert planning that avoids travel hassles, here are the top reasons provided by Operations Managers and Chief Marketing Officers.

  • Maximize Sightseeing with a Guide
  • Security and Comfort in Group Tours
  • Ease and Safety of Organized Tours
  • Expert Planning Avoids Travel Hassles

Maximize Sightseeing with a Guide

A tour allows you to maximize what you can see in the time available. With the benefit of a guide, you can go straight to the most important and interesting exhibits and locations. The guide can bring the history and stories to life while providing humor and insight. 

You will have a local's perspective, which adds a layer of authenticity and makes sightseeing fun, engaging, and interactive—as opposed to reading plaques on a wall while fumbling with a guidebook, wasting time while trying to navigate your way around.

Laura Burton, Operations Manager, Yellow Moon Tours

Laura Burton, Operations Manager, Yellow Moon Tours

Security and Comfort in Group Tours

Traveling on your own can often be cheaper in terms of outright spending, but going on group tours offers a different kind of value: security and comfort. Group tours are particularly appealing for travelers who are new or nervous about going it alone. 

When you're on a group tour, you travel with a guide, use private transportation, and get recommendations on what to eat and where to go. It feels safer, and it can also ease your own worries as well as those of your family.

This is simply because, on a group tour, all the logistics are handled by the travel agency. At Go Real Travels, we ensure our clients are comfortable on their journeys! Everything is planned out for them—from where they'll stay, to activities, and often meal stops, too. 

All they need to do is book their plane tickets, sign up for the tour, and show up at the airport. Less planning equals more relaxation once you arrive. If you're traveling solo, you have to manage all these details by yourself.

Martin Wagner, COO, Go Real Travel

Martin Wagner, COO, Go Real Travel

Ease and Safety of Organized Tours

People often choose tours over going it alone because they're just easier and feel safer. With a tour, you don't have to sweat the small stuff—like planning and figuring out how to get from point A to B. You can just enjoy the ride.

In my own travels, I've noticed that tours can get you into cool spots or experiences that might be tough to do on your own. Plus, you meet other folks who are into the same stuff, which is pretty fun.

Having a local guide around is a big bonus too. They know all the cool stories and hidden gems of a place that you might not find by yourself. It's this mix of easy travel, hanging out with new friends, and getting the inside scoop that really makes tours worth it for a lot of people.

Swena Kalra, Chief Marketing Officer, Scott & Yanling Media Inc.

Swena Kalra, Chief Marketing Officer, Scott & Yanling Media Inc.

Expert Planning Avoids Travel Hassles

There are many reasons why some people prefer to go on tour instead of traveling independently, but mostly it is because of comfort and security. Especially if you are going abroad to a country that you know nothing about, it is difficult to organize on your own a perfect tour of the place if you have never been there. 

Instead, it is much simpler and more efficient to put all this inconvenience in the hands of someone more expert and skilled, who might know the best tips and tricks of the place and will certainly know how to guide you and, most importantly, let you avoid any unfortunate events.

Giacomo Piva, CMO and Co-Founder, Radical Storage

Giacomo Piva, CMO and Co-Founder, Radical Storage

Guided tours transform travel into a journey of the soul, blending expert planning with the deep connections and rich experiences that make each destination truly unforgettable.
Alex Cornici

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