Nomad Travelers

Nomad Travelers is all about living the dream of traveling the world, without ever really having to settle down. It's for those who love the idea of turning each new place into a temporary home and every adventure into a lesson or a story. Here, you’ll find tales from the road, tips for working from anywhere, and advice on how to make every corner of the world feel like yours. Join us to find out how to roam freely, live fully, and connect deeply – wherever you go.
14 posts
Nomad Travelers
Backpacking Northern Spain public
Nomad Travelers 7 min read

Backpacking Northern Spain

When you hear Spain, what comes to mind? Probably the cities of Barcelona and Madrid. Maybe flamenco dancing and paella. Which are from Southern Spain and the eastern Mediterranean coast respectively. The average traveler doesn't think about northern Spain.…
Mark Cipollina
Mark Cipollina
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